Mackenzie High School (Guyana)

Mackenzie High School is a secondary school in Linden, Guyana. As of 2005 it has an enrollment of some 567 students and a staff of 32.

The school was established in 1946. At the time it was named "Echols High School" and was funded by the Demerara Bauxite Company. On its foundation it had a staff of two teachers and enrollment of 26 students. The government assumed control in 1976.

Head Teachers/Principals were:

Philosophy of Mackenzie High School

As a School

We seek diligently after truth and integrity, knowledge and its positive application
We seek to be strong against impurity of thought, word and deed.
In the passion of our daily pursuits we aim to pause to observe the beauty of nature
We strive not to neglect the needs of those with whom we work
And above all, with the help of our teachers we aim to re-affirm that prayers and dependence on the Sovereign God are extremely important.

School Creed

I believe that my school is the best place for me to grow in fellowship with God and man. To develop my academic, physical and cultural abilities, and to inculcate the right attitudes for the development of an upright character to the benefit of myself, my family, my community, my nation and the whole of mankind.

External links